The Opoutere Hall Committee is responsible for managing the Opoutere Hall on behalf of the Thames-Coromandel District Council and the Opoutere community.

The committee is a not-for-profit organisation. All committee members are volunteers connected to Opoutere.

The committee usually has 4-10 members, and committee meetings are held regularly. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in April.

The Opoutere Hall Committee:

  • prioritises and supports use by local users and community groups for community, cultural and sporting events;

  • promotes the hall as a venue for weddings and other events (these provide significant revenue which enable the Committee to undertake larger maintenance projects);

  • undertakes and supports fundraising activities for the maintenance, repair and preservation of Opoutere Hall.


Jennifer Edwards

Clayton Spence

Fiona Bolden

Margot Nicholson

Stephanie Noa